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Overwhelmed academic, I see you!
Let's re-imagine academic life together!
Higher education can feel overwhelming & isolating,
but you are not alone.
Gentle support for the challenges of academic life.
Art Historian, Associate Professor,
Life Coach for Academics.

Welcome! I'm Karen.
We are already good enough, just as we are.
We can create academic lives that nourish us.
Self-compassion is a gift to ourselves and
everyone around us.
We are whole people, with lives and
communities beyond campus.
We are not alone. Meaningful connection
and support are available to us.
We can choose a slower pace of life.
We can re-imagine success, on our own terms.
I believe that
I'm so glad you're here.
One small, intentional choice at a time,
we can create more supportive, more sustainable academic lives, and a more humane academia.
More freedom, connection, & satisfaction
in your academic life...
Find me on Instagram chatting about #AcademicLife
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